Mobilizing American Muslim Voters: Historic Turnout and Empowerment

The US Council of Muslim Organizations – Civic Action Network (USCMO-CAN), as the nation’s largest Muslim civic action organization, is proud to announce its ambitious voter mobilization campaign aimed at ensuring historic Muslim voter turnout for the 2024 elections. This effort builds upon the incredible success of our groundbreaking One Million Voter Registration Drive, originally launched in 2016

Building on the Momentum of 2016: The Journey of Civic Engagement

The One Million Voter Registration Drive of 2016 was a monumental moment in the history of Muslim civic engagement in the United States. In response to the pressing need for political empowerment, USCMO-CAN mobilized communities across the country, organizing volunteers from our member organizations and local partners. Together, we reached over 2,500 mosques, 500 schools, and community centers nationwide to register eligible Muslim voters.

The significance of this campaign cannot be overstated. It was an organized, grassroots effort that not only empowered individuals to become active participants in shaping their future but also ensured that the voices of American Muslims would be heard in the democratic process. Since that initial campaign, voter registration among American Muslims has continued to grow steadily, signaling an enduring commitment to civic participation.

A Call to Action: One Million Plus Voter Mobilization for 2024

As we approach the upcoming elections, USCMO-CAN has expanded its efforts to engage even more voters, launching the “One Million Plus Voter Mobilization Campaign.” This initiative is not just about registering voters—it is about mobilizing, informing, and empowering American Muslims to turn out in record numbers for the 2024 election. We are determined to surpass our previous successes and ensure that Muslim voters play a crucial role in shaping the future of this nation.


The political climate has significantly evolved over the past several years, and with that evolution, American Muslims have recognized the immense power they wield in the voting booth. USCMO Secretary General Oussama Jammal has called on all Americans to “exercise their civic obligation and right to vote in the upcoming elections.” He emphasized that voting is not just a right but a fundamental duty that is foundational to the success of democracy.

How We're Mobilizing Voters: A Nationwide Campaign

The One Million Plus Voter Mobilization Campaign is focused on ensuring that every eligible Muslim voter is registered, informed, and ready to participate in the upcoming elections. To achieve this, we have set out clear goals and action plans:


Community Engagement: We are working with community leaders, organizations, and local champions to conduct voter registration drives, educational workshops, and awareness campaigns. This effort spans not only mosques and community centers but also local events, schools, and gatherings across the nation.


The One Million Plus Voter Mobilization Campaign is focused on ensuring that every eligible Muslim voter is registered, informed, and ready to participate in the upcoming elections. To achieve this, we have set out clear goals and action plans:

Community Engagement: We are working with community leaders, organizations, and local champions to conduct voter registration drives, educational workshops, and awareness campaigns. This effort spans not only mosques and community centers but also local events, schools, and gatherings across the nation.

Creating Lasting Impact: The Importance of Political Participation

The One Million Plus Voter Mobilization Campaign is not just about numbers; it is about creating lasting impact. By empowering American Muslims to vote, we are making our voices heard on issues that matter to us—justice, equality, and representation. Voting is one of the most direct ways to influence policy, hold leaders accountable, and shape the direction of our communities and our country.

Join Us in Making History

The One Million Plus Voter Mobilization Campaign is about making history together. USCMO-CAN invites every eligible Muslim voter to be a part of this movement. Your voice matters, and together, we can make a difference.