The purpose of USCMO CAN is to promote social welfare within the meaning of section 501(c)(4) of the non-profit organizations, including but not limited to:

(I) Developing and advocating for the public and to governmental and non-governmental bodies values, legislation, policies, regulations, and government and non-government programs that:

  1. Promote justice and the common good in society,
  2. Advance equality and diverse community participation in civic and political affairs,
  3. Safeguard and promote universal human rights, civil rights, privacy rights, worship rights, and the rights of minorities, women, consumers, immigrants, refugees, and the disabled,
  4. Protect the environment, preserve natural resources, and promote the arts,
  5. Stimulate the economy for the benefit of all people especially the middle class and the poor, promote economic and social justice, encourage entrepreneurship, and cultivate job readiness skills and training especially for the economically displaced and historically disadvantaged,
  6. Combat social ills such as poverty, hunger, homelessness, discrimination, racism, violence, Islamophobia, substance abuse, alcoholism, human trafficking, pornography, gambling, and all addictions,
  7. Promote physical, mental, and spiritual health, and encourage healthcare coverage for all,
  8. Advocate for peace, liberty, the sanctity of life, human dignity, faith, mercy, compassion, benevolence, love of neighbor, and other universal Islamic and moral values,
  9. Promote the fair inclusion of Muslims and other under-represented groups in public and political affairs including elected and appointed government positions, and
  10. Support just causes of Muslims and of the oppressed and weak everywhere, and encourage uplifting and caring for the sick, indigent, marginalized, and needy.

(II) Conducting research and publicizing the positions of elected officials, institutions, faith groups, and public figures concerning the above issues.

(III) Leading, coordinating, organizing, and representing the US Muslim community in civic, advocacy, legislative and related matters, and enhancing the Muslim community participation in the public sphere and encouraging cooperation and partnership with other religious and civic groups for the common good.